Online Communities for Social Change


In this blog you will find a collection of what I am thinking about and what I am reading. It’s in part a mnenomic device to help me remember not only what I am finding in my research and web distractions, but also to help me remember what I am thinking about those memes.

One Response to “Online Communities for Social Change”

  1. Marc September 24, 2009 at 4:22 pm #

    If you are doing a history, one movement to include would be the Freenet story. You may recall it was a movement in the early-mid 90’s to give people online access for free and gather local info. There was a confederation of 30-50 (don’t recall) affiliates around the USA. It was not Internet based.

    In Silicon Valley, a group of folks (me included) started a similar “Freenet”, but with three key distinctions:
    1) we charged ~20/yr for accounts, so we were self-sustaining (scholarships for those who couldn’t pay)
    2) we were Internet based, so besides local info we gathered, we provided newsgroups and gopher access
    3) we had a major training component that taught classes to adults, often providing a first exposure to the vast wonders (even then) of the Internet

    Anyways, good luck with your book. I could never (NEVER) write anything so long, and thusly limit my prose to this size.
    Yours, Marc

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